About Penny - Penny Dee

Hi, I'm Penny Dee

I’ve written stories for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first book when I was five. It was called The Goodies and it was about a drive to the shops to get milk. It was amazing. It was also brilliantly illustrated in orange felt tip pen because I was all about the awesomeness when I was five years old.

Skip forward a few decades… and I write romance, erotic romance and romantic suspense. And MC romance. And rockstar romance. And contemporary romance. Hell, if they’re romancing then I’m writing it. I feel really fortunate because I get to meet interesting characters every single day—fictional characters who shock the hell out of me! I never know where their story is going until they lead me there. They’re in charge. They can be bossy and demanding. Sometimes a little impatient and frustrating. And let me tell you, they don’t understand the concept of quiet time.

No. I am not crazy.

When you write fiction, you share your grey matter with a lot of characters. Characters who show up unannounced and demand to be put to paper.

Fictional characters aside, I also like to hear from real humans so don’t be shy, drop me a line and say hi.

I promise you. I am not crazy.


PS: If this About Bio sucks it’s because I have saved all the good stuff for my books.

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